Monday, March 14, 2011



Educational media center is a facility designed for the housing and utilization of all educational media with in the school.
Activities concerned with the use of all teaching and learning resources, including hardware, and content materials. Educational media are defined as any devices, content materials, methods, or experiences used for teaching and learning purposes. These include printed and non-printed sensory materials.

Educational Media Center
Under the supervision of the Director of Computing and Communications, the Educational Media Center, located in the Basement of the Eli M. Oboler Library Building, is comprised of media production, audio visual, and photography services (see specific section for further information, i.e., audio visual services, photography, etc.).
Editorial, production, and design staffs are available to assist faculty, staff and students in the preparation of media presentation materials and publications. Training and support in desktop publishing is also available to departments through the Center.
 Educational Media renders various kinds of services. Its services boil down to improving the teaching learning process by making it more interactive, collaborative, interesting and authentic.
It is useful i order to gain different knowledge that can help us individual to have a better understanding and to gain plenty of knowledge, that can use in our everyday life. 

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